Zhan Li
Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Satellite- and Model-Based Soil Moisture Products against the COSMOS Network in Germany
Land Cover Harmonization Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Detecting Change in Forest Structure with Simulated GEDI Lidar Waveforms: A Case Study of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA; Adelges Tsugae) Infestation
Discriminating Treed and Non-Treed Wetlands in Boreal Ecosystems Using Time Series Sentinel-1 Data
Current Status of Landsat Program, Science, and Applications
Preliminary Assessment of 20-m Surface Albedo Retrievals from Sentinel-2A Surface Reflectance and MODIS/VIIRS Surface Anisotropy Measures
Quality Assessment of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Ecosystem Observations Using Pulse Trajectories
Seasonal Change of Leaf and Woody Area Profiles in a Midlatitude Deciduous Forest Canopy from Classified Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar Point Clouds
A National Assessment of Wetland Status and Trends for Canada's Forested Ecosystems Using 33 Years of Earth Observation Satellite Data
Mapping Paddy Rice Area and Yields Over Thai Binh Province in Viet Nam From MODIS, Landsat, and ALOS-2/PALSAR-2
A High-Performance and in-Season Classification System of Field-Level Crop Types Using Time-Series Landsat Data and a Machine Learning Approach
On the Utilization of Novel Spectral Laser Scanning for Three-Dimensional Classification of Vegetation Elements
The Potential to Characterize Ecological Data with Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Harvard Forest, MA
Classifying Ecosystems with Metaproperties from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data
Evaluation of the VIIRS BRDF, Albedo and NBAR Products Suite and an Assessment of Continuity with the Long Term MODIS Record
Evaluation of the Global MODIS 30 Arc-Second Spatially and Temporally Complete Snow-Free Land Surface Albedo and Reflectance Anisotropy Dataset
AntarcticaLC2000: The New Antarctic Land Cover Database for the Year 2000
Observing Ecosystems with Lightweight, Rapid-scanning Terrestrial Lidar Scanners
Radiometric Calibration of a Dual-Wavelength, Full-Waveform Terrestrial Lidar
Capabilities and Performance of Dual-Wavelength Echidna textsuperscript® Lidar
Waveform Lidar over Vegetation: An Evaluation of Inversion Methods for Estimating Return Energy
Finding Leaves in the Forest: The Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidar
Joint Use of ICESat/GLAS and Landsat Data in Land Cover Classification: A Case Study in Henan Province, China
An Improved Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica
Mapping Wetland Changes in China between 1978 and 2008
Lake Water Footprint Identification From Time-Series ICESat/GLAS Data
Earth Science Applications of ICESat/GLAS: A Review
Automated Methods for Measuring DBH and Tree Heights with a Commercial Scanning Lidar
ICESat GLAS Data for Urban Environment Monitoring
China's Wetland Change (1990--2000) Determined by Remote Sensing