Teja Kattenborn

Teja Kattenborn

Postdoctoral scientist / Remote Sensing in Geo- and Ecosystem Research

Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences

I am a PostDoc at Leipzig University. My research is centered on the remote sensing of vegetation, and my primary lines of research are:

  1. coupling radiative transfer theory with plant functional traits to understand patterns in plant biodiversity
  2. harnessing high resolution remote sensing data for vegetation assessments using machine and deep learning techniques, such as Convolution Neural Networks.

For this research, I received several awards, including

  • the ARCADIS prize for geo- and environmental research for my PhD thesis Linking Plant functioning and Canopy Reflectance with Radiative Transfer Modelling
  • the award for the best oral presentation at the EARSel 2019 SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop (Brno) for the presentation After this Talk You will always map Leaf Pigment Content and not Concentration
  • the Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award (1st prize) at the IAVS Annual Symposium 2019 (Bremen) for the presentation Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and high resolution UAV imagery – a powerful tool for vegetation mapping

Currently, I lead the research projects UAVforSAT (DLR/BMWi) and BigPlantSens (DFG)


  • Multi-sensor / multi-temporal remote sensing
  • Plant Functioning
  • Machine / Deep Learning
  • Radiative Transfer Modelling


  • PhD in Remote Sensing, 2018

    Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe

  • MSc Environmental Sciences / GIS and Environmental Modelling, 2015

    Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg / Stellenbosch University

  • BSc Environmental Sciences, 2012

    Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

Publications (37)