René Voigt

René Voigt

Technical employee / Physical lab technician

Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences

Central German Earthquake Monitoring Network

I’m a technical employee at Leipzig University. In 1994 I started with field measurements in different geophysical methods, such as georadar, geomagnetics and especially geoelectrics. Meanwhile, I have many administrative tasks, develop technical solutions for field measurements and support colleagues in their field campaigns.

Since 2013, I have additionally been responsible for our seismological stations in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt as a technician at the Central German Earthquake Measurement Network.


  • Geoelectric
  • Earthquake Monitoring


  • Diploma in Geophysics, 2002

    University of Leipzig, Germany

  • Physical lab technician, 1994

    Jena University / SBSZ Jena-Göschwitz, Germany